Over the years some of my customs were way ahead of hasbro - not in quality , just in the creation. Weak skills, sort of winging it, my were a perfect filler until Hasbro finally gets them made...
Thanks to Rebelscum.com and JediInsider.Com for their image banks (saves me a whole lotta pic taking)
A Rodian Mechanic - who got a name years later as Pax Bonkik

My early Quinlan Vos was an amalgam of Han Solo head, Episode 1 Kenobi and Ki Adi Mundi
My Tagge had a Davy Jones wig I guess
Talon Karrde , one the first I ever did, just in a different outfit
BG-J38, another of my earliest works, wrong color, and almost got the head right...meh
Chief Bast
Wedge in Dress Uniform
Butlar Swan ( a real pain to try to sculpt hair)
finally a Weequay Skiff Guard who is coming out later in 2011