Yerka Mig... who?

Yerka Mig, stricken with remorse after his home planet Ralltiir was brutally occupied by the Empire, retired and fled to the Outer Rim Territories , pursued by the Imperial Security Bureau. He was a patron in Chalmun's Cantina on Mos Eisley, and was hiding from Imperial agents inside when Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker sought passage to Alderaan there 

.... a.k.a. guy in the background !!!

The first version was a Ponda Baba with Bespin Han legs/hands , the hair from a Jack of Xyber 9 figure and the head of an Episode 1 Obi-Wan 

Years later I swapped out the large chest and awkward legs with the chest of a Dark Empire Luke and legs from a Desert Storm Han Solo  ... need to work on those eyes!

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