Jar Jar Binks - the misunderstood Sith Lord

Frozen in Carbomite ...or Carbonite
and with removable "head" to reveal the actor below
Ahmed Best

Welcome to the World of Tomorrow !!! Futurama...

pretty sure these were posted before -
star wars figures turning into the Futurama characters


Star Wars sad years Part 3 ... Marvel Comics

some really odd choices and strange Flash Gordon / Star Trek plots and looks

Star Wars sad years Part 2 .... Ewok Movies

again more , not as bad as the Holiday Special , but the two Ewok movies seems to have an odd tone... the first Caravan Of Courage was like a weird Christmas Special meets a 1970's nature documentary :  slow, dull and boring, with mediocre stop motion
while the second one,  Battle for Endor was a bit better, and bit more watchable
Noa and Mace Towani

Star Wars sad years.... Droid Cartoon

Such potential, and there was NO new Star Wars film on the horizon for years
had some great idea and characters , but unfortunately it was
 aimed at kids (so zero violence/death) and had less than fantastic animation