Uncle Owen ... upgraded

just didn't care for the Owen figure they made, grabbed a Comic Pack "young" Owen from the prequels ... little paint and some swapping...BAM - cranky Owen with better articulation

But I was going into Tosche Station to pick up some power converters ...

many many many various Lukes created from the figures available at the time...







I'm The Goddamn Batman !!!

and Aquaman...and Black Adam....  and crew from Titan A.E.
took some leftover DC bodies added heads to create variations/younger or unmasked versions of DC heroes.

Added some accessories  and paint make the Titan A.E. figures truer to their animated counterparts

Tony! Toni! Toné! - Feels Good ???

 A few variations on an easy custom. Biggs Darklighter's head on an Iron man body....

  and a zombie version too (using a damaged figure with a painted cast resin zombie head)

Man of Steel... Man of Plastic

For some quick eBay $$$, took some unused figures and added some star wars heads. These Man Of Steel action figures became Jor-El and some of Zod's followers...
 ... along with a "hippie" version of Zod himself.

Vinatge Imperial Troop Transport... now Modern?

Took my fairly beaten and worn Vintage Troop Transport and cleaned it up, pulled out the broken/rusted sound box, added new decals and some paint and interior detailing... very happy with the results


More Commissions...Mo Money Mo Money Mo Money ....

Occasionally hired to make friends and strangers as Witches, Jedi or in their characters from their shows or performances or D&D campaigns